
E-P 10-20


E-P 10-20


OÜ Charlot on asutatud 1994 aastal Eesti eraisikute poolt. Tänaseni põhineb ettevõte 100% Eesti erakapitalil.

OÜ Charlot põhitegevuseks on bürootarvete, kontoritehnika, kontoritehnika kulumaterjalide ja büroomööbli jaemüük. Ettevõttele kuulub Eestis kaupluste kett KNOPKA.

Aastal 2000 avasime Võru haigla keldris esimese Charlot kirjatarbed poe. Järgnesid kauplused Tallinnas, Pärnus, Tartus, Viljandis, Rakveres, Jõhvis, Narvas, Viimsis, Kuressaares, Valgas ja Põlvas.

2007. aastal omandas Charlot OÜ enamusosaluse Läti kirjatarvete ettevõttes Gaita, 2010. aastal Leedu kirjatarvete ettevõttes Officeguru ning 2011. aastal Leedu kirjatarvete ettevõttes Sidabrinis Medis. 2013. aastal lisandusid 100%-liselt veel Leedu ettevõtted Office Guru, Evasa ja Aisuva.

Oleme ühendanud töökuse, teotahte ja tipptehnoloogia ning valmis ületama uusi väljakutseid.

Oleme avatud ettepanekutele, koostöö võimaluste otsimisele ning õiglasele kriitikale.

Meie eesmärgiks on pakkuda mitmekülgset tootevalikut, paindlikku hinnapoliitikat, püsikliendiprogrammi, komplektset teenindust.

KNOPKA, Wave, Siemens, Marmor, Forpus, UltraMax, ColorWay, Fopi, Bic, OKI, EberhardFaber, Mera, Bantex, Tegopak, Symbio, Sulemees, Zott, Xerox, Mini Picto, STEP Cleaner, Avery, Evian, Hansa, Reval Service, Monster High, Gianni Conti, Unipap, Tiq, Hoomark, JPC, Colop, HP, DataCopy, Silicon Power, Targus, Faber-Castell, Weible, Belmil, Dan sukker, Sadipal, Coppenrath, MIDEA, Euromic, Smartist, Cappy, PZBF, Elix, Brait, Zebra, Katrin, CISCO, Fuji, Fila, Tanet, Alpro, Zig-Zag, deVENTE, Tiross, Fashion, Akademy, KPF, Domingo Ferrer, HATBER-HD, Zipit, Cars, EPP, Pusheen, Seventeen, INKRITE, 2x3, Gembird, Sakura, Lenovo, Logitech, Linex, Onemed, KW-triO, Kangaro, etc, Pilot, Prosper Art, Snowman, Defender, Uni, Antalis, Lugare, Muy Pop, Raffaello, Siltex, Pentel, Haza, Meto, Argo, Samsung, hamelin, Panta Plast, Image Volume, Plus, Rachael Hale, Just T, Garisson, Charlot, Fanta, Epson, Sharp, Kyocera, Löfbergs Lila, Bruno Viscontii, Leitz, Corny, MTV, Stick´N, Kingston, Coca-Cola,, Curious, Arkogren, Softreflector, HSK, Sketch&Art, TDK, Edding, +ID, Kraft, Arda, Noname, ACE, 3M, PAulig Barista, Success Planner, McLean, Gullon, Cista, Atlanta, DoubleA, Rexel, Aimo, Smead, PP Karton, Jura, Luxus, Häädemeeste, Rebell, Pearl, Eclipse, prügikott, IZODEZON, HATBER, Sprite, Lambi, Pritt, Sigel, Mayeri, Durable, Open, FELLOWES, Avery Zweckform, Diamond, Krauklitis, Sketch&Art, Milan, Etnies, B3, Toro, Cillit, Somat, PIONEER, Image, Super Moment, KENSINGTON, Natec, Tontarelli, Canon, Paulig, Postmark, Hello Kitty, Erich Krause, Dan Mark, SHF, Maped, Assistant, Enemix, Bosch, Bergen, Bong, Academy Style, CashTester, Domestos, Novus, Jacobs, Nõbo, Alt, Lavazza, Waterman, Büroodisain, DURACELL, Dymo, Inter Folia, A-DATA, Unilux, Rapid, Klim, Panasonic, Brother, Scotch, AERO, Double A, OSHINER, Amos, Gullon Digestive, Prestige, Ahmad, GORJUSS, HIT, Uni-Max, Osram, Emergency, ML, Tere, Scotch-Brite, Kreska, Ricoh, Camelion, CIF, Officepoint, Citizen, Regio, Smiltainis, Post-it, IQ, Europe, Sanytol, Anobion, Fairy, apli, Marmiton, Sandisk, Ajax, Timer, Adler, Emersson, Postit, Command, LINDT, Serla, KP Factory, BrunoVisconti, A4Tech, Vichy, NESCAFE, GP, Data Flash, Lexmark, College, Greenfield, TUC, Ripp, Tucano, Finish, GP Power, Blitz, Multi3, Coreflect, Favorit, ALCO-Albert, GR, Angry Birds, Dogs in da hood, Cactus, Toppoint, Aura, Cello, HL, Image Digicolour, Juniopt, Idena, DELI, Esselte, Centrum, Flora, Parker, KRIS, Fiore, Brunnen, Värska, Lyra industrial, Kräss, Image Digicolor, aQa, File-Est, Attomex, CleanLab, Global Gift, Multicopy, Oxford, Tork, Ecosan, Lenek, EOD, Energizer, Egmont, Kalev, Rappin, Gaita, Estko, Lyra, Bio-Derm, Valemivihik, MGL, Konica Minolta, Viquel, Barbie, TRUST, Fazer, RS Office Products, Schneider, Prolexplast, HobbyTime, Moleskine, Zoom, Acme, Bref, Edu Lugu, Epiphanii, Philips, GloDisk, Folia, Roosiku, Gamma, Image Business, GENIUS, Artline, DELL, Office point, Verbatim, Eurofoto, Green Island, Bruno Visconti, Realister, Navigator, MadPax, Lipton
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Charlot OÜ (Company registry code: 10081927)
Eterniidi tn 3 Võru linn Võru maakond 65605

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Astri Keskus

Astri Centre is the largest shopping and entertainment centre in Narva. The clothing stores in the Centre include several well-known clothing brands such as Mustang, Denim Dream, H&M,Lindex, Cropp and Ivo Nikkolo. Those interested in sports will find a large Sportland store. There are also several shoe and jewellery stores as well as stores for children’s goods.

In addition, the Centre includes electronics store Euronics, pet stores Kika and PetCity and bookstore Rahva Raamat. The Centre houses offices for telecommunication companies Tele2 and Elisa FIX, SEB bank, Ergo Insurance, Travibest travel agency and a watchmaker. In addition, there is a large Selver grocery store and Apotheka pharmacy on the first floor of the Centre.

A wide range of beauty products is available at Tradehouse and Ideaal Kosmeetika. Beauty services for any preference are available on the third floor of the centre in the hairdressing salon Le Salon, the Barber Shop and the Dermalogica store.

There are a number of cafés and restaurants in the centre – Asian restaurant Monk, cosy café-bakery Oma, and burger joint Narva Diner.

Entertainment for all ages and tastes can be found on the third floor of the Centre at Apollo Cinema Astri, Bombey Bowling and Galaktikum playroom.

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