NS King

E-P 12-19

NS King

E-P 12-19

NS King

Kvaliteet ja usaldusväärsus. Kaasaegsete tootmistehnoloogiate poolt tagatud mugavus. Sisemine mugav atmosfäär, mis on loodud tänu tähelepanule detailide suhtes. Just sellistele põhimõtetele tugineb oma töös NS King - mitme kaubamärgi kingapood, mis kuulub edukasse rahvusvahelisse võrgustikku ja mis asutati Eestis 1994. aastal.

Tänavu avab NS King külalislahkelt oma uksed Eestis (14 kauplust), Lätis (16 kauplust), Leedus (4 kauplust) ja Valgevenes (3 kauplust).

Regulaarne turuanalüüs, põhjalik ja professionaalne tootevalik, paindlik preemiate ja boonuste süsteem klientidele, samuti otselepingud maailma suurimate kingatootjatega - tänu sellele tööle on NS King täna üks jalatsite ja aksessuaaride müügi liidreid Baltikumis.

Kaupluses on esindatud meeste ja naiste ning lastejalatsid. NS King prioriteediks ei ole mitte ainult pakkuda tõeliselt suurt valikut, vaid ka hoolikalt valitud, ajaproovile vastupidavaid ja miljoneid rahulolevaid kliente omavaid kaubamärke.

NS King - kuhu jalad viivad!

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Nittis OÜ (Company registry code: 10058222)
Harjumaa, Rae vald, Helgi tee 9, 75312

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Astri Keskus

Astri Centre is the largest shopping and entertainment centre in Narva. The clothing stores in the Centre include several well-known clothing brands such as Mustang, Denim Dream, H&M,Lindex, Cropp and Ivo Nikkolo. Those interested in sports will find a large Sportland store. There are also several shoe and jewellery stores as well as stores for children’s goods.

In addition, the Centre includes electronics store Euronics, pet stores Kika and PetCity and bookstore Rahva Raamat. The Centre houses offices for telecommunication companies Tele2 and Elisa FIX, SEB bank, Ergo Insurance, Travibest travel agency and a watchmaker. In addition, there is a large Selver grocery store and Apotheka pharmacy on the first floor of the Centre.

A wide range of beauty products is available at Tradehouse and Ideaal Kosmeetika. Beauty services for any preference are available on the third floor of the centre in the hairdressing salon Le Salon, the Barber Shop and the Dermalogica store.

There are a number of cafés and restaurants in the centre – Asian restaurant Monk, cosy café-bakery Oma, and burger joint Narva Diner.

Entertainment for all ages and tastes can be found on the third floor of the Centre at Apollo Cinema Astri, Bombey Bowling and Galaktikum playroom.

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