Turu infopunkt asub 1. korrusel kioskite alal, Mileedi Lilleäri kõrval.
Astri.ee'st tellitud "ise järele tulemisega" БALTA pusad, särgid, kotid saate kätte infopunktist, Tõestuseks palume esitada tellimuse number või Astri ID number.
NB! Meie juurdest võite leida ka oma kallid kaotatud esemed :-)
Soovid asuda turul kauplema? Kirjuta meile julgelt baltijaamaturg@astri.ee ning räägime läbi kauplemis -ja üüritingimuste osas.
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Balti Jaama Turg OÜ (Company registry code: 12603459)
Kopli 1, Tallinn 10412
Balti Jaama Turg is a unique market both in Tallinn and across Estonia. The pleasant indoor area houses traders offering fresh produce all year round and prized street food vendors standing side by side.
The second floor deals in antiques, Estonian design and handicrafts as well as vintage clothing and much more. There is also a grocery store Selver and a MyFitness gym. The market’s website features recipes devised by our traders to teach you how to make the most of local produce and market goods.