
E-L 09-19; P 09-17


E-L 09-19; P 09-17


* Tekstiilitoodete keemiline puhastus

* Voodipesu pesemine

* Vaipade, põrandakatete ja kootud vaipade puhastus

* Kardinate puhastus

* Pehmete mänguasjade puhastamine

* Villaste-, vati- ja suletekkide, madratsikottide ja patjade puhastus

* Õhtukleidid

* Karnevalikostüümid

* Pulmakleitide puhastus

* Sulemantlite ja -jopede puhastus

* Parknahast poolkasukate puhastus

* Lambavillast vaipa, Lambanahast vaipa, lambanahka

* Nahkesemete puhastus, naha puhastus

* Nahkesemete toonimine

* Karusnahast toodete puhastus

* Seemisnahast esemete katmine vetthülgava kihiga

* Riiete parandamine ja lukkude vahetamine 

* Õmblustööd

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MonoClean OÜ (Company registry code: 16486068)
Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Maakri tn 19/1, 10145

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Balti Jaama Turg

Balti Jaama Turg is a unique market in Tallinn and throughout Estonia. In small indoor spaces, traders offer fresh raw materials all year round, and the leading brands of tänavatoidu stand proudly next to each other. rval.

In addition to this, on the second floor you can find antiques, Estonian design and käsitööd , vintage clothes and much more. Of course, there is also Selver and a sports club MyFitness. On the website, you can also find recipes made by our housekeepers, which show how to make local raw materials and other market products delicious. p>

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