ERGO kindlustus

E-R 10-19, L 10-17, P suletud

ERGO kindlustus

E-R 10-19, L 10-17, P suletud

ERGO kindlustus

ERGO is the most loved and humane insurance brand in the Baltics. More than 120,000 private and business customers in Estonia trust ERGO insurance company's experience and the offered property, life and health insurance services.

At ERGO, you can find all insurance services for private clients, including basic services such as home and car insurance, but you can also ask for advice on life and health insurance and, the only one in Estonia, legal expenses insurance. ERGO is also ready to cover all the insurance needs of companies in the areas of property, health and life insurance.

Phone: 610 6500

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Ergo Insurance SE (Company registry code: 10017013)
Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Veskiposti tn 2/1, 10138