
E-L 10-20 P 10-18


E-L 10-20 P 10-18


Apteegikülastajat ootab lai valik retsepti- ja käsimüügiravimeid ning tervisetooteid. Meie apteegis on esindatud kvaliteetne apteegikosmeetika tuntud kosmeetikabrändidelt nagu Iwostin, Bioderma, Vichy, Eucerin, Babe ja Sebamed. Uues Südameapteegis on lai valik mitmesuguseid terviseteste, mis võimaldavad kodus iseseisvalt erinevaid tervisenäitajaid hinnata.

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Pärnu Keskus

Pärnu Keskus is a fashion and leisure center where you can find a large selection clothing stores and also the only Apollo Cinema Pärnus. A fashion-conscious consumer can find a wide selection of well-known brands in the center's clothing stores, such as H&MNew YorkerIvo NikkoloLindex, Sportland, Mohito and Denim Dream.

In addition to this, the center also has a PetCity animal clinic. Pärnu Keskus also has an electronics store Euronics and a large Apollo bookstore. In order not to be too central to the shops, severalsöögikohad have also established themselves in the center, which provide body support.

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