JYSK on rahvusvaheline poekett, mille algust tuleb otsida Taanist, kus 1979. aastal avas omanik ja asutaja Lars Larsen oma esimese kaupluse. JYSK pakub laia ja mitmekülgset kaubavalikut, mis vastab aastaaegadele, majapidamisvajadustele ning ükskõik millise ruumi sisustamise nõuetele. Täna tegutseb JYSK juba 35 riigis üle maailma.
JYSKi kauplustest leiad mööblit nii siseruumidesse kui ka aeda. Siin on lai valik voodipesu, kvaliteetseid madratseid, patju, tekke ja kardinaid. Kodus erilise meeleolu loomiseks soovitame valida sobivad aksessuaarid: erined korvid, hoiukastid, küünlad, vaasid, laudlinad, lauanõud jne.
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Jysk Linnen'n Furniture OÜ (Company registry code: 10170660)
Endla tn 45 Kristiine linnaosa, Tallinn Harju maakond 10615
With the largest selection of home and interior goods in Narva, the shopping centre has more than 80 stores and service providers. Visit Home4You, Jysk, construction store Ehituse ABC and re-use store Sõbralt Sõbrale for all your home goods needs.
The third floor of the Centre is home to the largest MyFitness gym in the region. Sportland and Rademar offer a wide range of sports and leisurewear. The Centre has a large selection of electronics stores, the best known being OnOff, Klick and Arvutitark. Our fashion options include Selfie Fashion and a Denim Dream outlet. The Centre also houses the bookstore Mnogoknig, known for its wide selection, and popular grocery store Rimi.
The first floor of Fama Centre includes a food street, which is the perfect place to take a break from shopping and enjoy a bite to eat. Monk, Peetri Pizza, Chocolaterie Parisienne, Sushi Crisis and café Oma are just some of the eateries in the Centre.