Lõunakeskuse Seikluspark

R 16:30-20, L 12-20, P 12-18

Lõunakeskuse Seikluspark

R 16:30-20, L 12-20, P 12-18

Lõunakeskuse Seikluspark

Lõuna-Eesti suurimas kaubanduskeskuses on Sind ootamas suurim siseseikluspark Lõunakeskuse liuvälja kohal. Ootame nii esmakordseid ronijaid, kui ka kõiki teisi seiklejaid. Ees on ootamas kolme erineva raskusastmega rada, millel kokku üle 30 elemendi ja kõige lõpuks õhusõit üle liuvälja.

Viimased seiklejad lastakse rajale 1 tund enne sulgemist.

Oleme avatud R 16-20, L-P ning riiklikud pühad ja koolivaheajad 12-20. Kui Sul on soov seigelda varem, siis kirjuta meile ja broneeri aeg!!

Seikluspargi hinnakiri:

Seiklusrajad 12€ 

Õhusõit 5€

Kinokapsel 5€/seanss

Ronimisseinal ronimine 15min/3€, 30min/4€, tund/6€

Loomadega sõit 10min/3€, 20min/4€, 30min/5€

Grupisoodustus alates 10-liikmelisest grupist

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Tervisepark OÜ (Company registry code: 12351288)
Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Maakri tn 23a, 10145

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Lõunakeskus is the largest shopping center in Lõuna-Estonia, which is located on Ringtee Street in ääres of the city of Tartu. In addition to the main building, the Lõunakeskus shopping park also includes a construction goods store Bauhof, furnishing stores Sotka and Asko and dealing with flowers and interior Mileedi. Hotel Sophia, which is located next to Lõunakeskus, offers Ööbimisvõisms, where you can also find rated Fii restaurant. And to top it all off, in 2019, Tartu Private School Lõ unaTERA.

Regarding the possibilities for leisure time, Lõunakeskus offers skating Astri ArenaApollo KinoAdventure park and many other exciting and entertaining places. After having a good time, the food places in the center offer refreshment. Both a la carte restaurants and traditional food, such as ChiMeluMy Sushi, < a href="https://astri.ee/lounakeskus/kfc/">KFC, Food Coma< /a>, Kauss and Nobel. Grocery stores in the center include both Rimi and COOP.

There are also two Apotheka pharmacies in the building. In addition, you can also find Estonia's largest Euronics and several other electronics stores here. The clothing stores include well-known brands such as H&MReservedTom TailorIvo Nikkolo and Cropp. From beauty and cosmetic stores both I.L.U and Ideal Cosmetics. Home furnishing and furniture stores are represented by Jysk and AlanDeko. And finally, we have also thought of sports stores. Lõunakeskus has both SportlandRademar as well as Sports Direct.

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