Ootame sind avastama uut ja põnevat keskkonnasõbraliku moe ning taaskasutuse maailma. Meie eesmärk on luua inspireeriv koht, kus iga rõivas jutustab oma lugu ja sära ning kus iga ese leiab endale uue armastava kodu. 👚👗👠
Kas sinu garderoob on täis ainulaadseid rõivaid ja aksessuaare, mida soovid teiste moehuvilistega jagada? Siis oled just õiges kohas! Meie Garderoobis saad rentida endale boksi, kus saad oma lemmikuid esemeid teiste klientidega jagada ja müüa. See on suurepärane võimalus anda oma garderoobile uus hingamine ning samal ajal teistega inspireerivalt suhelda.
Keskkonnasõbralikud ja stiilsed taaskasutusrõivad on moemaailmas järjest olulisemad ning meie Garderoob on parim paik nende aarete leidmiseks. Liitu meie kogukonnaga ning aita kaasa jätkusuutlikule moelevikule. Astu sisse meie uude Garderoobi ja avasta enda jaoks midagi erilist!
Tule ja loo enda garderoob teistmoodi koos meiega! 👌
Cassandra Invest OÜ (Company registry code: 14740031)
Pronksi tn 3-25, Tallinn
Lõunakeskus is the largest shopping centre in Southern Estonia, located on Lääneringtee Street on the outskirts of the city of Tartu. In addition to the main building, the Lõunakeskus retail park also includes building supplies store Bauhof, the IKEA design studio, florist and interior goods store Mileedi, and Lidl. Accommodation is available at Hotel Sophia, next to Lõunakeskus, which also houses Michelin-recommended restaurant Fii. As if that wasn’t enough, Tartu Private School LõunaTERA opened its doors right next to Lõunakeskus in 2019.
Speaking of leisure facilities, the Lõunakeskus is home to the Astri Arena ice rink, Apollo Cinema, Adventure Park and many other exciting and entertaining places. You can enjoy a meal at a la carte restaurants or go for street food in places like Chi, Melu, My Sushi, KFC, Food Coma, Kauss and Kebaboom. Both Rimi and Coop grocery stores are located in the Centre.
There are also two Apotheka pharmacies in the building. We have the largest Euronics in Estonia and several other electronics stores. Clothing stores include well-known brands such as H&M, Reserved, Tom Tailor, Lindex and Cropp. Beauty and cosmetics stores include both I.L.U and Ideal Cosmetics. Jysk and AlanDeko represent home decor and furniture stores. Lastly, we haven’t forgotten about sports stores. Sportland, Rademar and Sports Direct are all present in Lõunakeskus.