Tartu Erakool LõunaTERA

E-L 10-21, P 10-19

Tartu Erakool LõunaTERA

E-L 10-21, P 10-19

Tartu Erakool LõunaTERA

2017/2018. õppeaastal avasime Tartu Erakooli filiaali LõunaTERA. Tegemist on kogupäevakooliga, kus õpilaste tegevused on korraldatud kogu päeva ulatuses. Õppetöö vaheldub lõõgastavate tegevustega, üldhariduslik õppesisu põimub huviharidusega. Meie koolis on oluline õpilase areng, tema võimete arendamine ja eluks vajalike väärtuste kujundamine.

Peame oluliseks füüsilist keskkonda, mis peab igakülgselt toetama kavandatavaid tegevusi ja eesmärke. Ruumid on jaotatud üldklassi tundide läbiviimiseks ja sisustatud eakohase ning mobiilse koolimööbliga. See võimaldab kiiresti ruumi auditooriumiks, rühma- või individuaalseks tööks ümber korraldada. Võõrkeeleõpe toimub keeleõppepesades ja loovustunnid loovusklassides.

Iga päev veedavad õpilased ühe tunni õues aktiivselt tegutsedes või mõnd ülesannet tehes.

Tartu Private School (TERA) is a unique phenomenon in Estonian education, having emerged from the desire to create the best development environment for our children. The school was established in 2007 with the support of many different stakeholders. The school is operated by the non-profit organisation for the promotion of private education in Tartu, officially known as Tartu Erahariduse Edendamise Selts MTÜ.

In 2013, a primary school was opened in Peedu, in partnership with the Peedu school society (Peedu Kooli Selts MTÜ).

Our school is a community school, where students and their families (parents, grandparents, siblings) and school staff all work together.

We are located by the ice rink of Lõunakeskus at Teaduspargi 9, 51014 Tartu.

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Lõunakeskus is the largest shopping centre in Southern Estonia, located on Lääneringtee Street on the outskirts of the city of Tartu. In addition to the main building, the Lõunakeskus retail park also includes building supplies store Bauhof, the IKEA design studio, florist and interior goods store Mileedi, and Lidl. Accommodation is available at Hotel Sophia, next to Lõunakeskus, which also houses Michelin-recommended restaurant Fii. As if that wasn’t enough, Tartu Private School LõunaTERA opened its doors right next to Lõunakeskus in 2019.

Speaking of leisure facilities, the Lõunakeskus is home to the Astri Arena ice rink, Apollo Cinema, Adventure Park and many other exciting and entertaining places. You can enjoy a meal at a la carte restaurants or go for street food in places like Chi, Melu, My Sushi, KFC, Food Coma, Kauss and Kebaboom. Both Rimi and Coop grocery stores are located in the Centre.

There are also two Apotheka pharmacies in the building. We have the largest Euronics in Estonia and several other electronics stores. Clothing stores include well-known brands such as H&M, Reserved, Tom Tailor, Lindex and Cropp. Beauty and cosmetics stores include both I.L.U and Ideal Cosmetics. Jysk and AlanDeko represent home decor and furniture stores. Lastly, we haven’t forgotten about sports stores. Sportland, Rademar and Sports Direct are all present in Lõunakeskus.

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